The YWAM Blog


YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

5 Ways to Ruin a Mission Trip

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It’s coming soon: your summer mission trip. You’ve been looking forward to it for months. You’ve seen the pictures, heard the stories, and everyone says the same thing: going on a mission trip will change your life.

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YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

The City is Alive

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“The people who live in Louisville love it and they’re passionate about it. She’s a city that’s comfortable in her own skin. Louisville’s a city that isn’t trying to be anything more than what it is: a mid-sized city with a wonderful art scene, food scene, plenty to do and a wonderful sense of community.”…

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YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Tips For Traveling With Kids

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Are we there yet? This is a question a child usually asks when traveling, but one a parent will begin to rehearse in their mind if not prepared for traveling! Before you begin to worry about the details for your family travels though, we at YWAM Louisville want to share some helpful tips from the parents…

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YWAM Mission Trip

How to Hear the Voice of God

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I remember the first time I sat down to spend time with God with the full intention of hearing what he had to say. I had my Bible, my journal, my cup of coffee; I was ready. I was focused, eager, and slightly terrified. “What if I can’t hear anything? What if I am the…

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YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

What Are the Benefits of a Gap Year?

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Diligent students might cringe at the idea of waiting to go to college, wondering, “Won’t that put me behind?” We’d like to answer that question with another question: “Behind what?” It’s your life, and it’s not a competition.

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YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Can I Do Missions?

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“I wasn’t made to be a missionary,” I told her. “I’m not good enough to do that type of stuff.” Four years ago, talking on the phone with my friend that was trying to get me to come do a DTS, I told her that I was going to go to college and work a…

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YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Launched into My Calling

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When I was a kid, I loved being outside and playing games with my siblings. One of our favorite activities was jumping on the trampoline behind our house. Spare moments would be quickly spent by running outside and bounding onto it. We would jump and bounce as high as we could, attempt flips and tricks,…

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