The YWAM Blog


How to Dress Like a Local In Korea

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My Experience I’m Korean-American and grew up often visiting family in Seoul. Later in life, I spent a year working on Jeju Island. In my experiences traveling back and forth from the motherland, I’ve faced various cultural differences both when visiting Korea and adjusting back to the States. These differences include how people dress. Seasonal…

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YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Love Softens the Heart: Daniel’s Testimony

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It was a chilly Thursday afternoon. A group of us DTS students had gone to a bus stop to love others and share about Jesus by handing out free hot chocolate and praying for people. As we were doing so a man with a limp approached us. His first words to us were, “Why are…

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YWAM Mission Trip

How to Hear the Voice of God

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I remember the first time I sat down to spend time with God with the full intention of hearing what he had to say. I had my Bible, my journal, my cup of coffee; I was ready. I was focused, eager, and slightly terrified. “What if I can’t hear anything? What if I am the…

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YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

What Are the Benefits of a Gap Year?

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Diligent students might cringe at the idea of waiting to go to college, wondering, “Won’t that put me behind?” We’d like to answer that question with another question: “Behind what?” It’s your life, and it’s not a competition.

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Handling 5 Common Objections to Becoming a Missionary

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Not everyone is going to agree with your decision to be a missionary. Some may not respect your sense of calling, and that’s hard. But what matters is that you’re actively seeking the Lord and walking in obedience to him. It’s worth it to follow Jesus.

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YWAM Gap Year Program

Why Take a Gap Year?

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In fast-paced, career-driven America, the “gap year” – an intentional buffer between high school and college – isn’t quite so mainstream. But it’s gaining traction. We think a gap year is worth considering – and apparently, we’re not the only ones.

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