From South Asia: “Surrounded”

In South Asia, we did many house visits. We would sit with the people and listen to their stories, then, share with them some of our own or anything that the Lord would put on our hearts. One night as we went out to do house visits, there was a little girl following us. She wanted us to go to her house and our translator promised her we would. Our evening was coming to a close and we hadn’t visited her house yet. We finally arrived and before we went in our translator stoped to talk to us. He told us that we were already late for dinner, so we were going to do a quick house visit. Get in, pray for the family, get out in 5 minutes. We went in.

Our evening was coming to a close and we hadn’t visited her house yet.

As we entered the house, the atmosphere was filled with such peace and joy. It turns out this family had been Christians for generations. It was truly beautiful. However, as we continued speaking with them, it came out that the child’s grandfather was bed ridden in the room next to us. He had Parkinson’s disease and could barely move or speak. We went in to pray over him. The two other people on my team laid hands on him and began to pray. I stayed back and comforted his crying wife, as well as his granddaughter who was plastered against my legs. It was quite a scene.

He had Parkinson’s disease and could barely move or speak.

I stood there looking at this man. He had been a pastor, their family knew the Lord for generations, and then there was his granddaughter, no older than 6 who had watched her grandfathers progression over the years. I stood there looking at this situation, asking the Lord where He was, because I looked at this situation and it didn’t seem right. In my head I asked the Lord, “God show me where are you in this situation because this doesn’t seem good.”

I stood there looking at this situation, asking the Lord where He was, because I looked at this situation and it didn’t seem right.

As I looked around the room, the Lord showed me these angels surrounding his bed, and behind me and my other teammate. I saw how the Lord had not left this man alone in his bed. Than I pleaded with Him, “ God please open his eyes so he can see what’s around him.” I looked to the man and watched him as his gaze shifted to my teammate and then behind her. His eyes got so wide. I knew, that he saw the angels.

His eyes got so wide. I knew, that he saw the angels.

When they finished praying for him we sang a couple songs and you could see the peace come over his body. We probably spoke for 10-15 minutes and we stood in silence for about 30 just being there with the man and his family. The 5 minute plan didn’t quite work but we knew we were where God wanted us to be.

Tess did her training schools with us in 2016. She’s traveled to a couple of Asian nations with us. She’s someone who is passionate about people and loves to learn. This story is from her SOMD outreach to South Asia. What a good reminder of how God’s ways are better than ours!